Thursday, October 8, 2015


Kalau sayang, jaga lah perasaan orang yang kau sayang. Jangan tipu. Jangan sekali-kali. 

Jujur lah walau kebenaran tu sepahit hempedu. Aku akan cuba faham. 

Aku tak mintak harta benda, tak.. Tak pernah aku mintak kau berikan aku macam-macam. 

Cukup sekadar kau jujur, kau faham aku, and ada waktu susah senang aku. Sepertimana kau layan aku, macam tu jugak aku akan layan kau. 

Aku terima kekurangan kau seadanya. 

Tapi tolong, tolong jangan buat hati aku macam ni. Aku penat. Sungguh aku penat :'( 

Kalau dah tak sayang, cakap kau tak sayang. Kalau kau tak suka, cakap kau tak suka. Kalau kau benci, cakap kau benci.

I will go. 

Tapi tolong jangan sakitkan hati aku lagi. Aku tak kuat. Aku tak mampu. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Get well soon

I don't know what to say. 

Things change. 

But the things that's happening around me change too fast. 

I feel like i'm alone. I know I always have some people i can talk to. People that i can trust. But they can never replace my mom. She is still the best among all. She's my best motivator, my role model, my best friend. 

Lately, mak tak berapa sihat. She's not like what she used to be. I'm worried about her healthy. Well, it's time to learn to stand on my own. Roda hidup. It's my turn to take care, advise and pay my attention to her. Things are hard for me right now. I try to act like i'm okay, but it bothers me a lot. I can't imagine my world without her. 

Yelah. Mungkin selama ni terlalu bergantung pada mak. Semua benda tanya mak, semua benda mak decide, semua benda cerita dekat mak, tanya pendapat mak. Sikit-sikit mak.. mak.. Hahaa. Anak mak sungguh kan? 

Even though i try to find someone to rely on to, to talk to, to ask anything, but still. It's not the same. The feeling, the love is not the same. Hahaa. The power of mom's love nak compare dengan orang lain memang tak sama. 

Mom, get well soon. I need you. I miss you. I really miss our moments. Love you. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Don't fall, just love

I never expect i would care this much. 

But at this point, i seriously want to love and to be loved. 

I don't wanna to 'fall' in love, i just wanna love someone. 

I really, truly, hope this will last long. I can't afford to face another failure. 

May Allah show the right path and ease everything. Aamiin. 
heart emoticon
heart emotico