Tuesday, July 23, 2013


People come and go 
Memories slowly disappear
Feelings are getting fade
And me, still here 
Being the same me 
Much more stronger than before
I won't let anything bringing me down
Cause what's waiting for me out there, 
Is harder than this
I'll prepare myself for the battle 
Battle within me and my future
It might be exhausting or.. 
It may be confusing 
But deep inside my tiny little heart
I believe, with Allah 
There's nothing i can't solve 


Saturday, July 13, 2013



I'm happy 
I'm grateful 
I'm excited 

Thanks to Allah, i managed to get an offer to further my study in degree course which is Bachelor of Applied Lang. Studies (Hons.) English for Professional Communication. Even though my first choice is TESL, i'm grateful because i got an english course and still studying in Shah Alam. Yeahh, maybe TESL and i don't belong together. But i love teachingggggg. Gahhh. Nvm, there's hikmah behind it. Maybe i'll learn something new in this course. First sem must be hard. Hmmm. 

List to do. Hahhh. There's 2 months left. Nampak macam lama lagi kan? Nanti pejam celik, bangun tidur dah bulan September. Am i ready for my second MDS? Mihmihmih. Akan ku prepare charge phone awal2, iron all my baju kurung bcause i know i won't have enough time to do all that. Tidur sambil berjalan pun boleh masa MDS tu. Plus, ready beli handyplast takut nanti kaki melecet macam dulu. Seksa! 

Most importantly, i'm extremely happy because my best friend Nadia Taqwa got the same place as me. Even satu sem je dapat sama, at least we have more times to spent together. InshaAllah kalau tak dibebani dengan assignment, research and test whatsoever. See, menyimpang dah niat. Supposedly, niat nak belajar. Kekeke. However i feel a little bit sad.. there's none of my close friends and family TESL dapat Uitm. Pehhh. Terpisah lah kita ~.~ 

Hmm, to all my friends who also get the offers to further their studies in any University or College.. Congratulations. But for those who didn't get any offer, don't give up. You can make an appeal through the upu website or wait for the second intake. I'll pray the best for all of us. InshaAllah :) 

*Set your Niat to learn because of Allah. Don't sigh or complain. Learning is Jihad. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013



Syukur Alhamdulillah, masih diberikan peluang bernafas di muka bumi Allah ini. Jom sama-sama menambah amal di bulan yang penuh barakah. Mencari malam lailatul qadar. Mengejar syurga yang dijanjikan Allah. Semoga kita istiqamah hingga ke bulan2 yang seterusnya. InshaAllah. 

Dengan ini, saya Siti Rahmah binti Abdullah menyusun 10 jari memohon ampun dan maaf andai ada membuat silap kepada sesiapa di luar sana. Mohon halalkan makan minum atau hutang piutang yang mungkin saya terlupa nak bayar. *Kalau nak tuntut pun boleh jugak.* Hehehe. Biaq pi la orang nak kata belum raya lagi dah sibuk minta maaf. Tak salah kan? Dosa dengan Allah, boleh minta ampun dengan Allah. Dosa dengan manusia, kalau manusia tu tak maafkan sampai mati la kita tanggung dosa. 

Lastly, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak :) 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Sorry if I've changed. I'm just avoiding myself to get hurt by stupid things. HAHA. Kbaii